Do you want stronger and healthier hair?


Our genes matters when it comes to the quality of our hair, but that does not mean that you can not improve your hair quality.

Try These Tips For Healthier Hair.

1. Turn down the heat Blow dryers, straightening irons, hot curlers, and other heated styling tools can take a toll on your hair, especially if your hair is fine, to much heat can damage your hair. Hold the blow dryer about 6 inches away from your hair, and  keep the dryer moving and not concentrated on one spot for too long. Only blow dry your hear 3 times a week at the most. Set your dryer on a lower temperature so that you do not damage your hair. 

2. Eat your vitamins. Your hair needs vitamins, and the most important vitamins for your hair follows below;

  • Vitamin A: found in sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, milk, eggs, and yogurt
  • B vitaminsespecially biotin: found in egg yolk, liver, salmon, avocados, nuts and seeds, and dairy products
  • Vitamin C: good sources include citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers
  • Vitamin D: found in fatty fish, egg yolk, and fortified foods like milk and orange juice
  • Vitamin E: good sources include sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, and avocados
  • Iron: found in oysters, clams, eggs, red meat, lentils, and spinach
  • Zinc: good sources include oysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, and lentils
You may want to take a multivitamin because it is difficult to get enough vitamins from the food we eat. Check with your healthcare provider before taking any supplements, especially biotin.

3. Limit the use of shampoo. Use only shampoo up to 3 times a week,because shampoo can remove the hairs natural oil otherwise. When you use sampoo, do not use too much.

4. Massage your scalp. Revving up the blood circulation in your scalp may help boost the health and condition of your scalp, and also increase blood flow to the hair follicles. Massage your  scalp by applying pressure in circular motions with your fingertips for several minutes.

5. Eat more protein. Protein-rich foods that may help boost hair health include:
  • eggs
  • fish, like mackerel and salmon
  • nuts and seeds
  • lean meats
  • spinach and kale
  • beans and legumes
6. Use an egg yolk mask. Egg yolk contains the same proteins that make up a strong hair follicle. The peptides in egg yolk may help stimulate hair growth. You can make your own egg yolk mask by following these steps:
  1. Use 3 egg yolks and 3–4 tbsp. of slightly warm coconut oil.
  2. Mix the two ingredients together well.
  3. Once the mixture is well-blended, apply to your scalp and roots.
  4. Put a shower cap over your head once the mixture has been applied.
  5. Let it sit on your head for 10–15 minutes.
  6. Rinse it out with cool water.

7. Use a cool rinse. Do not shower in too hot water.  Lather up with lukewarm water. Then, finish your shower with a spray of cool water on your hair and scalp. This may help seal your hair cuticle, making it easier for your hair to retain moisture.

8. Aloe Vera. The vitamins within Aloe Vera may help promote healthy cell growth, including the cells in your hair. In addition, aloe vera also contains vitamin B-12 and folic acid, both of which may be helpful in promoting healthy hair.

9. Use a t-shirt instead of a towel. The smooth T-shirt fabric will create less friction when drying and, therefore, less damage and frizz. To use a tee on your hair, follow these steps:
  1. After washing and rinsing, gently squeeze sections of your hair to remove as much water as possible.
  2. Bend your head forward and wrap the T-shirt around your head in a turban style.
  3. Leave your damp hair wrapped in the shirt for 5–10 minutes, then unwrap.
  4. Gently squeeze the T-shirt around any sections of hair that have excess moisture, then dry and style as usual.
10. Hot Oil treatment. using hot oil can help to restore the moisture in your hair. A coconut and avocado oil treatment may be especially beneficial. Like coconut oil, avocado oil also contains essential fatty acids as well as vitamins A, B-5, and E.

To make your own hot oil treatment, use the following steps:

  1. Mix together 1–2 tbsp. virgin coconut oil (room temperature) and 1–2 tbsp. avocado oil. You can use more or less, depending on how long your hair is, but keep the ratio of both oils roughly equal.
  2. Put the oil mixture in a glass jar, and gently lower it into a pot of hot water.
  3. Allow the oil to melt together and warm inside the jar for about 2 minutes. You don’t want the oil to be too hot, just slightly warm and well-mixed.
  4. Test the temperature on the back of your wrist. It should be lukewarm, not hot. If the oil appears to be hot, don’t risk touching it. Wait until it’s cooled.
  5. Once the oil mixture is at a safe temperature, apply to your scalp, roots of your hair, and ends. Work the oil into the rest of your hair.
  6. Apply a shower cap and allow the oil to penetrate your hair for 20 minutes.
  7. Rinse well with lukewarm water.

Other Resources

There is this spray that may help to strengthen hair, skin and nails.  It is called Beauty+. Ingredients; Biotin.  There is an image below of Beauty+.

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